4 Powerful New AdWords Interface Features

“AdWords should be more about your business, and less about our product. We want everything to support the way you think about your business. From the way you express business goals to the way you measure and manage your ads, we want to make it super easy to execute and optimize campaigns based on your unique marketing objectives.”
– Jerry Dischler, vice-president of Product Management for Google AdWords
In a recent roundup of how 2017 has changed PPC, we dipped our toes into the waters of the new AdWords interface. Today, we’ll be taking a deeper dive into this revamped UI.
The new interface – which has been slowly getting released over the past year – is in use by millions of advertisers, yet there are still hoards who have yet to get their hands on it. According to Google, “the new AdWords experience” will be available to everyone by the end of the year.
The new interface, while challenging to adjust to, hosts a slew of new features that are well worth the temporary discomfort.
Let’s go ahead and get familiarized with some of the new components now so that you will have some decent footing come December.
Here are the four best features of the new AdWords interface.
1. The Overview Dashboard
This update is impossible to miss; and it’s fantastic.
Here, users can gain a quick, readable synopsis of your account and campaign’s health metrics. Additionally, the dashboard provides a variety of insights, all displayed in a visually compelling and digestible manner.
The top of the dashboard supply’s users with a sizable graph displaying clicks, impressions, average CPC and cost over a given timeframe; although, metrics can be swapped out for others.
Below this, users will find four additional widgets:
Biggest Changes: Displays campaigns that saw the highest degree of change for a chosen time frame and metric.
Campaigns: Shows a list of your top performing campaigns, along with vital metrics like cost and clicks.
Devices: An appealing breakdown of clicks, cost, and conversion for desktop, tablet and mobile devices.
Day & Hour: A heatmap showing how ads perform across different days of the week and hours of a day.
If the visual appeal and streamlined nature of the dashboard wasn’t enough, it also dynamically changes to display more relevant information based on the areas of your account that you visit.
2. Promotion Extensions
Extensions are a powerful piece of the AdWords puzzle. These enable advertisers to pack extra information into their adverts that can be quite effective at driving conversions.
While the new promotion extensions are still in beta, users who have access to the new interface can access this element via the “Ads & Extensions” tab.
Promotion extensions provide advertisers with the means to showcase a sale on their website, saving precious character space.
Additionally, this extension adds a tag icon next to the sale information, amplifying its ability to draw attention and traffic.
3. Extension Previews and Filters
While we’re on the topic of extensions, another useful addon from the new interface is the extension preview. This feature gives advertisers the ability to see a rough version of what their ads will look like with different extensions enabled.
In addition to this awesomeness, Google also employed an extension filter that allows AdWords users to curate the extensions they want to see in the drop-down menu. It is also possible to sort them by account, ad group, or campaign as well.
The combination of these two features makes the ad creation process much more effective and streamlined than the past iteration of the AdWords interface.
4. Additional Demographic Options
Part of how Facebook’s ad platform became a serious threat to Google’s revenue stream was due to its powerful targeting options.
It took the search engine longer than most are cool with to wise up, but back in 2016, Google did finally add demographic targeting features for gender and age.
With the new AdWords interface, the big G doubles its demographic targeting options by adding the ability to refine campaigns by household income and parental status; the latter used to only be available to display advertisers.
Parental status is a game-changer for many industries including baby and children’s brands. This also opens avenues for all sorts of companies during the holiday and back to school shopping seasons.
Household income enables advertisers to drive additional sales by serving up relevant adverts based on pricing. In many cases, this can significantly impact the number of conversions a brand is able to attain.
Under Construction
While these changes certainly are welcomed, it’s not all peaches and cream with the new interface.
As it stands, the new AdWords experience isn’t complete yet. Many of the components from the old interface have yet to be integrated with the new version. This means that advertisers might have to temporarily switch back to the old interface to manage price extensions or display remarketing audiences.
Outside of these examples, there is still a sizable list of features that Google needs to integrate into the new UI for the experience to be complete. But suffice to say, they’re working on it, and this new feature set is extremely valuable. Hang in there until the end of the year at most, and these UIs will merge for all.
Source: - http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:vzpcKYzEI3QJ:www.sitepronews.com/2017/09/25/4-powerful-new-adwords-interface-features/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=in
The new AdWords interface breathes new life into a decrepit platform that severely needed the update. Even in its unfinished state, the new experience shows promise far beyond what the old version could produce.
When the completed version has reached the totality of AdWords users, rest assured that all the new features and streamlined workflows will bring about an AdWords renaissance.
Do you already have access to the new AdWords interface? What feature(s) do you find most promising/exciting?

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